During the summer season on those muggy, buggy evenings, if youre going to spend anytime outside dont wear skin lotion and/or perfume, mosquitoes LOVE it. While its important to reduce the risk of getting bitten, many OTC products contain toxic chemicals such as DEET. Instead, try some great smelling herbal insect repellents straight from your porch or backyard.
The same thing goes for your home garden, instead of spraying poisons all over flowers and veggies, use natural alternatives.
Soothe Bugs Bites Naturally
Insect Repellents : Helpful Herbs  Courtesy of Annies Remedies
Basil For a quick insect repellent, just rub some crushed basil leaves on your skin, or add the essential oil to a outdoors blend
Catnip Researchers at Iowa State University found nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic odor, is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET.
Feverfew To protect against flies, gnats and mosquitoes, and especially bees bathe exposed skin with a double strength standard brew of Feverfew and let dry.
Garlic Crushed garlic is a good addition to any homemade insecticide spray. Garlic cloves, placed in the ground around plants will deter slugs. Garlic is a natural pesticide against mosquito larvae.
Geranium Spray house and garden plants with geranium oil diluted in distilled water to discourage larvae from feeding
Lavender Use lavender sachet bags to protect clothes against moths. Also flies and mosquitoes dislike the fragrance, use the oil in insect sprays, or add the cut flowers to flower vases.
Eucalyptus Oil of lemon eucalyptus Eucalyptus citriodora provides protection against mosquito bites, according to the CDC
Lemongrass Add 1 to 2 drops (depending on your pets size), of lemongrass or citronella essential oil to your pets shampoo. It added a fresh clean scent and discourages fleas. Also a good mosquito repellent.
Neem Neem oil is a good natural insecticide for the garden, and can be added as a component of insect repellent skin oil blends. Blend with some light citrus oils to help lighten the musky neem scent.
PennyRoyal Pennyroyal has been used as a natural insect repellent for centuries. A little goes a long way
Peppermint Ants dislike peppermint, you can prevent them from entering by scenting cotton balls, spraying along shelves,and entryways

Cedar Red cedarwood is very good insect repellent, effective against mosquitoes, moths, woodworms, leeches and rats.
Tea Tree
Tea Tree For quick relief from mosquito or chigger bites, rub tea tree oil on them. Tea tree is generally safe to apply directly to skin, but do an allergy test first.
Thyme Place sprigs of thyme among clothes or linens to dispel musty odors and deter insect pests. Both the leaves and flowers can be used to stuff sachets.
Wormwood This bitter herb has strong pest repellent properties, use as a companion plant in the garden, or infused in oil for topical skin applications.