Lessons in the Language of Energy

The proverbial underpinnings of an Eastern saying like, “When the student is ready the teacher appears,” suggests a catalyst for change. A beckoning of sorts to finally act on something not entirely potentiated. As a student of yoga, the rich ontological practice and philosophy of the Yoga Sutras has been my introspective springboard if not a neurological adventure I’ve yet to fully comprehend. So when an opportunity avails, guidance is appreciated. I keep my finger on pulse of such things because as a teacher in my own right, I have a responsibility for the sake of reporting. From getting on my mat [Read More]

2025-02-03T16:44:57+00:00July 17th, 2024|Mindfulness, Philosophy|

Bhagdavad Gita’s Call to Action at a Glance

As part of a larger work, the Bhagavad Gita is known as one of the epic Hindu texts widely popular in yoga philosophy. Written about two thousand years ago, its essential theme of body, mind, and spirit awareness is a narrative between Arjuna and the avatar, Krishna. Their dialogue weaves a profound tapestry of poetic wisdom covering a deep enigmatic swath of the worldly and spiritual. However, the Bhagavad Gita can also can be seen in its simplicity at a glance. Training the senses, following one’s right path, and the soul’s purpose is the subject of many paintings depicting “Krishna’s Chariot.” Galvanizing [Read More]

2023-03-14T20:43:56+00:00February 12th, 2023|Mindfulness, Philosophy|

Into the Lotus Wilderness: Traveling Light

In yoga, we learn to relax and calm the mind to feel the essence of our true nature. This peaceful liberated state may also occur spontaneously, just by communing with nature and connecting with its live elegance. Both can inspire an awakening, but how do we make it last? Venturing into the lotus wilderness with the Yamas and Niyamas reveals more about living in our true nature. Buddhist philosopher, Shinzin Young, calls the presence of our true nature an unobstructed clarity and equanimity. It’s easy to loose touch with it when physical, emotional and mental stresses become our compass. How do we [Read More]

2022-01-16T22:43:03+00:00September 10th, 2021|Mindfulness, Philosophy|
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