Get Smart With Yoga
In the past few decades yoga’s popularity has increased exponentially. The ancient mind/body science known for promoting relaxation, flexibility, and strength is common knowledge, but other benefits are now gaining recognition like improved mood, increased cognitive abilities and enhanced lifestyle behaviors. Scientists are reporting outcomes from a myriad of claims pertaining to the system of yoga and as the data has been quietly collected, studied and documented, another question has emerged, “does yoga make you smarter?”Based on the findings, a consistent adherence to yoga does in fact facilitate smartness. When practicing the prescribed methods of yoga, the internal change of chemical effects result in positive synergistic states of [Read More]
Yoga and Conflict
Most people prefer to steer clear of conflict. Like them, I usually pay the quiet ransom for civility and avoid the distraction or disruption left in its wake. As a yoga teacher and a proponent of peace, trying to cultivate balance and equanimity in the midst of commotion is encumbering at best. But, as much as I try to sidestep a confrontaion, theres another side of me that can emerge like a warrior. When danger lurks, the goddess energy of Hindu’s charnel-clad Kali unleashes. She will flare in varying degrees of circumstance, and I’m not so quick to reveal her encounters. Because this is also a conflict of sorts, its worth taking [Read More]
Plant Based Calcium for Strong Bones
Osteoporosis and other bone weaknesses are primarily caused by excessive calcium loss and inadequate vitamin D. Animal protein, excess salt, caffeine, tobacco, and physical inactivity are part of the problem, but here’s the good news and it doesn’t include milk. Calcium can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, tofu made with calcium sulfate, calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, as well as many other non-dairy products. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Its required for muscle contraction, blood vessel expansion and contraction, hormones, enzymes, and transmitting impulses throughout the nervous system. The body strives to maintain constant concentrations [Read More]
Genetically Modified Crop Assessment
Let’s start with the bottom line, buy organic. True, it’s more expensive than the conventional and genetically modified alternatives, but it’s safer and cheaper than a pill. Physical and mental malfunctions caused by pesticides, genetic transmutations, and growth hormones are surfacing. Think of organics as health insurance. The safety of genetically modified (GM) crops for human nutrition and health has not yet developed a satisfactory approach in evaluating risk for long term effects. Currently, GM sources are compared to conventional crops only for nutritional performance and growth in animals. This measurement is called “substantial equivalence,” and it’s not an effective risk assessment for many reasons. One [Read More]
Manage Stress & Restore Internal Harmony
5 Ways to Give Stress a Rest. Your body and mind are meant to be whole and connect through a network feedback loops. In other words, the body collects information from the environment and reports to the mind. The mind listens and responds. Make no mistake, every cell gets the word about something stressful and it’s expressed in chemical reactions in the form of hormones instead of words. Real or imagined, the messages come through loud and clear. When it comes to managing stress, awareness is the key. People with heart health concerns should be especially mindful about managing [Read More]
Exercising Increases Brain Power
The more you work your heart and lungs, the more efficient they become at delivering oxygen to the body and brain. With increased blood flow come the chemical cascades that may very well be your fountain of youth. As we age smoking, inactivity, and eating poorly are root causes of disease. Lifestyle also influences the mental hazards that come with getting older. “The same things that kill the body kill the brain” states Dr. Mark Mattson, of the National Institute on Aging. Diabetes increases the risk of developing dementia by 65 percent, and high cholesterol increases the likelihood by 46 percent. [Read More]